It’s impossible to overlook the ruins of a castle on a rocky cliff above the river Vah on the road from Žilina to Martin. The small castle, defender toll station, has become the best fortified castle of the area.
Very nicely preserved ruin with lots of attractive and interesting events all year round, Strecno castle tirelessly oversees the narrow gorge of the river Vah near Zilina. A strategic way led through the area at the time of the Middle Ages. Today, the castle still stands over an important road, as it oversees a highway that connects west and east part of Slovakia.
People from Povazie used to sing a song about the disturbing times in their region: “it’s danger still near the Strečno hill.”
The castle has changed owners as often as it was under an ongoing construction work, usually adding more and more fortification. Under the main gate a well 88 meters deep was found!
Today, the castle is very lively during the season. Povazske museum prepared an exposition, a tour around the castle, that showcases its boisterous history. Do not miss the view from the highest tower from which you can see the whole pass and