Ruzin dam is situated in the fabulous natural setting, not far from Kosice. The dam and its surroundings is a sought-after recreation place for many easterners.
Ruzin is a large V-shaped lake, its depth reaches 60 m at some places. Its main purpose is to supply the industry in the Kosice region with water.
The scenery is beautiful, perfect for anyone who loves mountains as much as water. The surrounding forested hills have impressive spiky rock tops, offering breathtaking views. Sivec is your go-to peak.
You can rent boats, water bicycles and other sport equipment in the camping Zelena perla (Green pearl) in Kosicka Bela. You can cruise through vast emerald green waters to the rocky Island of love or Small Island. Fishing is also very popular here. Best for swimming is the eastern part of Ruzin.