In Rusovce, which is now part of the capital, a stone pillar of an ancient building was accidentally discovered in 1961 during the restoration of the Danube dams.
Intensive archaeological research has confirmed that the long-sought Gerulata has been found, which has been declared a national cultural monument.
How best to grasp history? By visiting places that are closely connected with it. It can be felt intensely as one stands with both feet on the Limes Romanus.
It is a term of mighty empire marking its borders.
We can enter a military camp that protected the border zone.
In the Museum of Ancient Gerulata we will look at objects of everyday life that were found during the excavations. Jewelry, beads, weapons of bronze and iron ceramics, toiletries, parts of clothing, coins.
All objects belong to the daily life of soldiers.
In front of the museum we will move between the uncovered stone walls and pillars, look at the well, stand in front of the ceremonial altar, or on the burial ground.
We can tell our children the story of Rome, which resembles a fairytale about a fisherman and a fish. He wanted more and more until he was destroyed by his own size.
It is a memento for the present.