Take a wonderful relaxing walk (on foot or by bike) through the short and very romantic canyon of the Hnilec stream, which stretches between the villages of Stratena and the Dobsinska ice cave.
The Stratenska valley stretches for approximately 14 km between Dobšinská Ice Cave and Dedinky. Stratenská valley’s landscape is very attractive – it is lined with rocky cliffs of surrounding hills, with two national nature reservations – Hnilecká Jelšina and Stratená, the world-famous ice cave and the Stratenská cave (inaccessible to public).
Originally the way led along the entire valley, but the construction of the tunnel above the Stratena village made a substantial part of the reservation accessible only to pedestrians.
During the Slovak National Uprising (1944) tough fights took place at the outlet of the tunnel.
Stratenská valley has green and red trail, green cycling trail, several trails leads here from the surrounding hills.
The final section of the valley consists of a water tank Palcmanská maša. Valley is accessible from the village Dedinky by the red tourist trail (through the village Stratená).