Slnečné jazerá (Sunny Lakes)
Located just a few minutes’ drive out of Bratislava, the recreation area made up of 5 individual lakes is a popular place during hot summer days.
Located just a few minutes’ drive out of Bratislava, the recreation area made up of 5 individual lakes is a popular place during hot summer days.
Bad Hole Cave in eastern Slovakia in the Bachuren mountains is the only accessible private cave in the Presov region. We recommended it for all romantics and crawlers.
In a distinctive village under the Tatras lies a fabulous cave. It is the ancient home of the cave bear, who lived and raised their young there 15,000 years ago.
Janska Valley conceals more than 200 caves, not accessible to the public… except for one. Stanisovska cave opened in 2010 thanks to caving enthusiasts offers a unique atmosphere to be experienced only with the light of your headlamp.
Three generations of aragonite were discovered in the cave. The oldest is 138 thousand years old! Aragonite decoration in the shape of needles, tufts, branches, spirals, tips, sun and countless other forms was created by the activity of atmospheric waters in crystalline limestones of white and blue-gray color. The Milky Way Hall is perhaps the […]
Rope girders, foot-bridges, ladders, extreme narrow spaces and other natural obstacies, all that awaits the visitor accompanied by a speleo-guide in Krasnohorska Cave, an UNESCO natural heritage site.
Thanks to the enterprising monks from a nearby monastery, Jasovska cave is the oldest one in Slovakia open to the public – and that is since 1846.
This cave is located in Velka Fatra, in Harmanecka valley. No wonder that it got stuck with a name “White Cave”. The top wall is of pure limestone and there is a rich presence of soft white sinter.
This UNESCO listed cave in Slovak Karst has a specific feature: long tenuous sinter straws growing out of the ceiling. It’s fairytale flowstone rain!
Only a short walk from the Smolenice castle, in the picturesque Little Carpathians, lies a charming underground world full of peculiar stalactites and atmospheric ponds.
Domica Cave lies on the Slovak-Hungarian border and is part of a 25 km long cave system, out of which a quarter is located in Slovakia. It is a large (the largest in the Slovak Karst) and gorgeous. No wonder that UNESCO has added it to its list.
One of the most famous ice caves in the world and the largest ice cave in Slovakia. The ice filling has a volume of 110.132 m3 and occurs in the form of ground ice, waterfalls, ice stalagmites and columns.
The Demänovská Ice Cave is located in the northern part of the Low Tatras in Liptov region within Demänovská Valley. It has the all year long ice filling.
The Demänovská Cave of Liberty is located in the northern part of the Low Tatras in Liptov region within Demänovská Valley. It is the most visited cave in Slovakia.
Dead Bats Cave is located in the mountainous terrain and protected NAPANT area. It is a unique opportunity to visit a mysterious underground of Low Tatras.
This little natural travertine cave under the castle is part of the Bojnice castle tour. It is interconnected with 26 m deep castle well.
The Bystrianska cave is located in the southern part of the Low Tatras in Banská Bystrica region, in close distance to the holiday resort of Tále.
Because of its great acoustic conditions, the concerts of classical canned music were organised here. In recent years, the cave is used for convalescent speleo-climatic stays.
How many times do you have a chance to see up to 4 exceptional places practically at once? Let’s pleasantly destroy yourself in the Slovak Karst in one day. These are 4 wonderful stops of our trip …
Enjoy first-class accommodation thanks to the traditions of our country, its history and heritage. Luxurious rooms and apartments with a bit of history, a lot of charisma and, of course, great services, reflecting many years of work of enthusiastic hoteliers.
Long day trips are a lifelong contribution to children’s lives. They will remember how you taught them respect and reverence for all living things. They will learn to overcome obstacles and understand responsibilities for what they do.
This is the time when we get to brag a little about Slovakia’s rich history. Once upon a time…. only God knows when this pretty area got occupied by people for the very first time. Some say it was 250 000 years ago.
Question from our reader Marc L.: I am interested in a hiking trip in Slovakia and the Tatras looks like a beautiful place to hike. This is for a group of 4 people. What time is best to go?
How many times do you have a chance to see up to 4 exceptional places practically at once? Let’s pleasantly destroy yourself in the Slovak Karst in one day. These are 4 wonderful stops of our trip …
Enjoy first-class accommodation thanks to the traditions of our country, its history and heritage. Luxurious rooms and apartments with a bit of history, a lot of charisma and, of course, great services, reflecting many years of work of enthusiastic hoteliers.
Long day trips are a lifelong contribution to children’s lives. They will remember how you taught them respect and reverence for all living things. They will learn to overcome obstacles and understand responsibilities for what they do.
This is the time when we get to brag a little about Slovakia’s rich history. Once upon a time…. only God knows when this pretty area got occupied by people for the very first time. Some say it was 250 000 years ago.
Question from our reader Marc L.: I am interested in a hiking trip in Slovakia and the Tatras looks like a beautiful place to hike. This is for a group of 4 people. What time is best to go?